12 days remaining to apply

  • Start date details

    As soon as possible

  • Closing date

    12 March 2025 at 9am

  • Date listed

    26 February 2025

Job details

Job role

  • Assistant headteacher

Visa sponsorship

Visas cannot be sponsored

Key stage

Early years, Key stage 1, Key stage 2

Working pattern

Part time: 0.6 FTE

Contract type


Actual salary

0.6 FTE and Permanent (£29,869 - £32,963)

Pay scale

Points L1 – L5

What skills and experience we're looking for

Round Hill Primary School is a well-loved school with a dedicated and hardworking team of staff and has recently joined Equals Trust.

The position is available from the start of the Summer Term 2025 or Autumn Term 2025, depending on the candidate’s availability. We offer flexibility in working days to accommodate the candidate’s needs while ensuring the SENCO role is effectively supported.

What the school offers its staff

We are excited to offer the opportunity to join our dedicated and hardworking leadership team as we take our school to the next stage of its development. This is a non-classroom-based position, although it will involve some teaching responsibilities, particularly in leading SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) initiatives for all staff.

For more information about Key Responsibilities, the Ideal Candidate and how to apply, head over to our school website where you will find all you need – www.roundhill.notts.sch.uk - Aboutus>Vacancies.

Commitment to safeguarding

Our organisation is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults. We expect all staff, volunteers and trustees to share this commitment.

Our recruitment process follows the keeping children safe in education guidance.

Applying for the job

Please download the application form using the link below, and once completed send to office@roundhill.notts.sch.uk

CVs are not accepted.

Visas cannot be sponsored.
Sign in to download application form
If you're interested in teaching or training to teach in England as an international citizen, we can help you understand your next steps.

About Round Hill Primary School

School type
Local authority maintained school, ages 4 to 11
Education phase
School size
518 pupils enrolled
Age range
4 to 11
Phone number

Round Hill Primary School is a large group 4 suburban school located near the town centre of Beeston which is south west of Nottingham. The school draws pupils from a mixed catchment area with a large proportion coming from private housing.

The school has a new Pupil Admission Number (PAN) of 75 and the current roll of 525 children is arranged across 18 mixed aged classes.

The school has extensive grounds which include a wild area, a nature garden, two football pitches and a large hard surface for playtimes. As well as the spacious teaching areas, there is a large assembly/gym hall, a multi-purpose dining area, an audio-visual room and a school library. The school is located on the same site as the local library this means that the school has easy access to an invaluable resource.

Arranging a visit to Round Hill Primary School

To arrange a visit and increase the chance of a successful application email office@roundhill.notts.sch.uk.

School location

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