This job expired on 5 March 2024 – see similar jobs

  • Start date details

    September 2024

  • Closing date

    5 March 2024 at 9am

  • Date listed

    7 February 2024

Job details

Job role

  • Assistant headteacher

Visa sponsorship

Visas cannot be sponsored

Working pattern

Full time

Contract type


Full-time equivalent salary

£52,074.00 - £57,482.00 Annually (FTE)

Assistant Headteacher job summary

Job Title: Assistant Head teacher

Reports to: Head teacher
Leadership L5 - L9
As per teachers’ pay andconditions

StartDate September 2024

Main Purpose

The assistant headteacher will support the headteacher in:

Communicating the school’s vision compellinglyand supporting the headteacher’s strategic leadership

The day-to-day management of the school

Formulating the aims and objectives of theschool

Establishing policies for achieving these aimsand objectives

Managing staff and resources to that end

Monitoringprogress towards the achievement of the school’s aims and objectives

This will be a class-based post. School teachers are required tocarry out the duties set out in the Teachers Pay and Conditions document.

This job description reflects the national teacher standards forqualified teacher status. It may be amended at any appropriate time, followingconsultation between the head teacher and teacher, and will be reviewed annually.Priorities relating for performance managements objectives will be identifiedin the performance management documentation.

Leadership time will be allocated in order to carry out theresponsibilities of the post.

They may also be required to undertake any of the duties delegatedfrom the headteacher.


The assistant headteacherwill:

Uphold public trust in school leadership andmaintain high standards of ethics, behaviour and professional conduct

Build positive and respectful relationshipsacross the school community

Serve in the best interests of the school’spupils

Have anexcellent understanding of the needs of autistic pupils with additionallearning needs

Schoolculture and behaviour

Under the directionof the headteacher, the assistant headteacher will:

Create a culturewhere pupils experience a positive and enriching school life

Uphold educationalstandards in order to prepare pupils from all backgrounds for their next phaseof education and life

Ensure a culture ofstaff professionalism

Encourage highstandards of behaviour from pupils, built on rules and routines that areunderstood by staff and pupils and clearly demonstrated by all adults in schoolconduct.

Teaching,curriculum and assessment

Under thedirection of the headteacher, the assistant headteacher will:

Establish andsustain high-quality teaching across subjects and phases, based on evidence

Ensure the teachingof a broad, structured and coherent curriculum

Establish curriculumleadership, including subject leaders with relevant expertise and access toprofessional networks and communities

Use valid, reliableand proportionate approaches to assessing pupils’ knowledge and understandingof the curriculum

Promote a cultureand practices that enables all pupils to access the curriculum

Have ambitiousexpectations for all pupils

To use effectivemethods of monitoring pupil progress and using information to establish arelevant curriculum

Make sure the schoolworks effectively with parents, carers and professionals to identify additionalneeds and provide support and adaptation where appropriate

Make sure the schoolfulfils statutory duties regarding the SEND Code ofPractice.

OrganisationalManagement and school improvement

Under thedirection of the headteacher, the assistant headteacher will:

Establish andoversee systems, processes and policies so the school can operate effectively

Ensure staff andpupils’ safety and welfare through effective approaches to safeguarding, aspart of duty of care

Ensure rigorousapproaches to identifying, managing and mitigating risk

Ensure effective useof budgets and resources

Identify problemsand barriers to school effectiveness, and develop strategies for school improvementthat are realistic, timely and suited to the school’s context

Make sure theseschool improvement strategies are effectively implemented

Staff managementand professional development

Under thedirection of the headteacher, the assistant headteacher will:

Work with thegoverning board as appropriate

Ensure the schooleffectively and efficiently operates within the required regulatory frameworksand meets all statutory duties

Work successfullywith other schools and organisations

Maintain workingrelationships with fellow professionals and colleagues to improve educationaloutcomes for all pupils

Governance, accountability and working in partnership

  • Under the direction of the headteacher, the assistant headteacher will:

  • Work with the governing board as appropriate

  • Ensure the school effectively and efficiently operates within the required regulatory frameworks and meets all statutory duties

  • Work successfully with other schools and organisations

  • Maintain working relationships with fellow professionals and colleagues to improve educational outcomes for all pupils


Theassistant headteacher will:

Lead on thewhole-school assessment strategy, ensuring it is rigorous, well-evidenced andis easy to communicate to pupils and parents

Track and analyse pupil performance data, paying particular attention to disadvantaged groupssuch as those eligible for the pupil premium for example

Plan interventionsfor those pupils who are not progressing involving other agencies wherenecessary

Provide training andsupport for teachers and support staff on administering the assessment systemeffectively

Please notethat this is illustrative of the general nature and level of responsibility ofthe role. It is not a comprehensive list of all tasks that the assistant headteacherwill carry out. The postholder may be required to do other duties appropriateto the level of the role.

An online search will be undertaken on all shortlisted candidates.  This search does not form part of the shortlisting process and you will have the opportunity to discuss any issues of concern that may arise from this search at the interview.

Rehabilitation of Offenders Act

This post is exempt from the provisions of theRehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. Appointment to this post is subject to anenhanced DBS disclosure which confirms the appointee is not on the Children’sBarred list being obtained. If you are shortlisted you will be asked todisclose any convictions, cautions, reprimands or final warnings that are not"protected" as defined by the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974(Exceptions) Order 1975 (as amended in 2013) – a failure to do so is likely toresult in dismissal should it later be discovered. Any information given will be treatedentirely as confidential and will be considered only in relation to thisapplication.

Personal Specification

Qualifications and training
  • Qualified teacherstatus
  • Degree
  • Professionaldevelopment in preparation for a leadership role
  • Evidence of professional development in the area ofautism and additional needs
  • Leadership and management experience in a school
  • Teaching experience
  • Involvement inschool self-evaluation and development planning
  • Line managementexperience
  • Demonstrable experienceof successful line management and staff development
  • Experience of teaching autistic children with highsupport needs
Skills and Knowledge
  • Understanding of high-quality teaching, and theability to model this for others and support others to improve
  • Understanding of school managing budgets
  • Effective communication and interpersonal skill
  • Ability to communicate a vision and inspireothers
  • Ability to build effective working relationship
  • Knowledge and understanding of evidenced basedpedagogy relating to autistic children
  • Knowledge and understanding of a range ofcommunication strategies including AAC
  • Demonstrates the ability to personalise thecurriculum for individual pupils
  • Knowledge and understanding of sensoryprocessing difficulties and differences
  • Knowledge and understanding of low arousalapproaches
Personal qualities
  • A commitment to getting the best outcomes forall pupils and promoting the ethos and values of the school
  • Ability to work under pressure and prioritiseeffectively
  • Commitment to maintaining confidentiality at alltimes
  • Commitment to safeguarding and equality,ensuring that personal beliefs are not expressed in ways that exploit theposition.

Commitment to safeguarding

Our organisation is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults. We expect all staff, volunteers and trustees to share this commitment.

Our recruitment process follows the keeping children safe in education guidance.

Offers of employment may be subject to the following checks (where relevant):
childcare disqualification
Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)
online and social media
prohibition from teaching
right to work
satisfactory references
suitability to work with children

You must tell us about any unspent conviction, cautions, reprimands or warnings under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) Order 1975.

This job post has expired.

About Victoria Academies Trust

Multi-academy trust

Head office location

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