8 days remaining to apply

  • Start date details

    As soon as possible

  • Closing date

    3 April 2025 at 12pm (midday)

  • Date listed

    14 March 2025

Job details

Job role

  • IT support

Visa sponsorship

Visas cannot be sponsored

Working pattern

Full time: 37 hours per week, All Year Round

Contract type


Pay scale

NJC SO2 Scale 26-31 - £36, 124 - £40,476

What skills and experience we're looking for

Main responsibilities of the post

• Manage the school’s ICT infrastructure, includingservers, networks and security systems

• Ensure the delivery of IT across the schooland in the curriculum.

• Manage the school’s ICT helpdesk andtroubleshooting services.

• Maintain and upgrade software applications, keepingup-to-date with technological developments withinthe Education sector.

• Promote the effective use of ICT systems andequipment across the school, both educationally andadministratively.

• Deliver a customer friendly service to all staffand pupils.


• Take overall responsibility for the running,organising and development of the ICT supportdepartment.

• Ensure the development and maintenance of allnetworked services, e.g computing, telephones,entry systems and photocopiers.

• Provide day-to-day support of file servers,networking equipment, printing and system back-up devices and storage systems.

• Oversee network administration, including settingup of new staff and pupils, controlling access rightsand file space allocation.

• Manage the installation, distribution and upgradingof application software on the school’s networks.

• Maintain a high level of security of school networks,including fire walls, anti-virus software, accesscontrol systems and data back-up.

• Monitor and review the effectiveness and efficiencyof ICT systems and equipment, makingrecommendations for improvements as required.

• Develop plans to meet future ICT needs of theschool and provide technical assistance on theprocurement of ICT hardware and software.

• Maintain and where necessary create in-depthtechnical documentation for all systems andprocesses


• Hold regular team meetings with ICT support staff inorder to brief them on any developments andaddress any issues arising.

• Manage the performance of ICT support staff,undertake appraisals and promote their professionaldevelopment.

• Oversee the recruitment and induction of new staffto the department and identify training needs.

• Maintain effective succession planning structures withinthe ICT department and assist other ICT support staff todevelop additional skills.

• Take ownership of ICT projects and any subsequentlyresulting service contracts or agreements.

• Manage an in-house school ICT budget for purchases,repairs and consumable costs.

• Ensure compliance with data protection legislation and theUK GDPR.

Support and communication

• Support the SLT on emerging technologies and on thecontent and implementationof ICT policies and procedures.

• Manage remote access for staff and pupils as required.

• Log and undertake support requests, monitoringperformance against agreedservice levels.

• Provide technical website support and assist ongoingwebsite developments andprojects.

• Support external visitors and guests with ICTimplementations and presentations.

• Liaise with appropriate external agencies and build andmaintain good relations.

• Arrange for the repair of hardware faults with externalagencies as required.

Additional duties

• Observe the school’s health and safety procedures andwork safely at all times.

• Adhere to the school’s child protection and safeguardingpolicies and promote the welfare of all pupils.

• Carry out routine and complex administration taskscommensurate with the role.

• Provide relevant advice and guidance to staff, pupils andparents where necessary.

• Provide in-house training as appropriate to staff.

• Maintain an ongoing awareness of relevant developmentsin IT and the Education sector.

• Undertake all mandatory training on an annualbasis. Participate in induction training, staff reviewprocesses and CPD opportunities.

• Support at school events with audio-visual requirements.

• Undertake other professional duties that may bereasonably assigned by the Headteacher.

What the school offers its staff

We are a good oversubscribed school (OFSTED 2022)located in Stockport, South of Manchester. Our school ismade up of 825 students and 100 staff. St James’Catholic High School is a thriving Catholic communitythat places children at the centre of everything we do.The Diocese of Shrewsbury judged our school to be a“Good” Catholic school.

St James’ is a highly academic performing school:

• Impressive positive progress 8 scores for theprevious four years

• In 2024, 77% of students attained a Grade 4 orabove in both English & Mathematics (theequivalent to the old Grade C) with 59% achievinga Grade 5 or above in both English & Mathematics

• 87 grade 9s and 128 grade 8s were awarded toour students in 2024, demonstrating exceptionalattainment across a wide range of subjects

• Exceptional results in open, Maths and Englishsubjects placing us in the top 20% of similarschools nationally

Our school is at the cutting edge of teaching and learningand thrives on providing outstanding opportunities forthe young people we serve. All our staff work to provideour young people with the skills, knowledge andunderstanding in order to achieve their full potential.

Inspired by the example of St James, the purpose ofour school is ‘To educate and develop global Catholiccitizens’. Our three school values of Family, Faith andExcellence are lived out every single day by staff,students and all stakeholders.

The reputation of our school is exceptional withinStockport and across the Shrewsbury Diocese foracademic excellence, impeccable pupil conduct and forproviding outstanding additional opportunities for ouryoung people. The result is that our young peopledevelop into global Catholic citizens who are proud toprofess their faith and who make a positivecontribution to society.

At the root of our success is our St James’ community.This is built on strong, positive relationships betweenall staff, students and parents. Our parents supportour school and develop their children at home whilstour dedicated staff are relentless in driving excellenceby providing the best educational experiences andopportunities for our students.

Underpinning this excellence are our unique values,Catholic ethos and our mission. We are inspired anddriven by the Gospel where we are told: ‘With God allthings are possible’ (Matthew 19:26).

Commitment to safeguarding

St James’ Catholic High School is an equal opportunity employer which is “Positive about Disabled People”. Whilst all applicants will be judged on merit alone, we particularly welcome applications from groups currently under-represented in the workforce, who meet the person specification for the post

St James’ Catholic High School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and applicants must be willing to undergo child protection screening appropriate to the post, including checks with past employers and the Disclosure & Barring Service.

Applying for the job

Please download the application form using the link below, and once completed send to headteacherpa@stjamescheadle.co.uk

CVs are not accepted.

Visas cannot be sponsored.
Sign in to download application form
If you're interested in teaching or training to teach in England as an international citizen, we can help you understand your next steps.

Additional documents

If you need these documents in an accessible format, please contact the school.

About St James' Catholic High School

School type
Local authority maintained school, Roman Catholic, ages 11 to 16
Education phase
School size
823 pupils enrolled
Age range
11 to 16
Ofsted report
View Ofsted report
Phone number

The St James’ Catholic High School Mission:

To ensure everyone within our school family achieves their full potential, to encourage learning and development through faith, and to strive for excellence.

Applications are welcome regardless of the personal faith of the applicant, providing they are supportive of the school’s Catholic ethos.

St James’ Catholic High School is a popular and oversubscribed 11-16 mixed comprehensive Catholic High School which was judged by OFSTED to be a “Good school in April 2022, with “Outstanding” Outcomes for Pupils.

The Diocese of Shrewsbury judged our school to be an “Good” Catholic school.

Arranging a visit to St James' Catholic High School

To arrange a visit and increase the chance of a successful application email headteacherpa@stjamescheadle.co.uk.

School location

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