Teaching Vacancies application form

If you choose to use the Teaching Vacancies application form, this is the information that candidates will be asked for.

We have designed the form to help you easily identify high quality candidates, and to ensure your recruitment processes meet the latest safeguarding requirements.

You will be able to manage applicants on a simple, personalised dashboard, and notify unsuccessful candidates quickly and easily. You will have access to applications for one year.

Personal Details

Candidates are asked for their:
  • Name
  • Address
  • Email
  • Phone number
  • Teacher reference number (TRN)
  • National Insurance number
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Professional status

Candidates are asked whether they have qualified teacher status (QTS) and if so in what year it was awarded.
They are also asked whether they have completed their statutory induction year.
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Education and qualifications

Candidates are asked to enter all their qualifications, including all GCSEs, A levels (or equivalents), undergraduate and postgraduate degrees.
They are also asked to enter other qualifications where they demonstrated skills that might help them in the role. Candidates are asked for different information depending on the type of qualification.

Qualification types

GCSEs, AS levels, A levels
  • School, college or organisation
  • Subjects and grade"
  • Year the qualifications were awarded
Other UK qualification
  • Type of qualification
  • School, college, or organisation
  • Subjects and grades
  • Year the qualifications were awarded
Undergraduate and postgraduate degrees
  • Subject
  • Awarding body
  • Candidates are asked whether they have finished studying for this qualification. If they have, they are asked for the grade and year of the qualification. If they have not, they are asked to give further details."
Any other qualification
  • Name of the qualification or course
  • Subject
  • School, college, university or other organisation
  • Candidates are asked whether they have finished studying for this qualification. If they have, they are asked for the grade and year of the qualification. If they have not, they are asked to give further details.
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Current role and employment history

Candidates are asked to include all jobs they've had since they left full time education. This includes all teaching roles, as well as any other jobs they have had. They can also include voluntary work if it is relevant to their application.
In order to comply with safeguarding guidelines, candidates are asked to give details about any gaps in employment.
For each role, candidates are asked for the:
  • School or organisation
  • Job title
  • Subjects and key stages taught (if applicable)
  • Start date
  • End date (if applicable)
  • Main duties
  • Reason for leaving
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Personal statement

Candidates are asked to explain why they are suitable for the role. They are encouraged to refer to relevant supporting documents, for example the job description and personal specification.
If you want to, you can give additional guidance for candidates. For example, you might want to specify how long their personal statement should be or what information they should include.
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Candidates must provide two referees, including their current or most recent employer.
If they do not currently work with children, but have done so in the past, they are asked to include a referee from the last time they did so.
For each referee, candidates are asked to provide:
  • Referee name
  • Job title
  • Organisation
  • Relationship to applicant
  • Phone number
  • Email address
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Equal opportunities and recruitment monitoring

Candidates are asked to provide information on their gender, sexual orientation, ethnic group and religion or belief. They are also asked whether they consider themselves to have a disability.
These questions are optional and are used anonymously to monitor the inclusivity of the shortlisting process.
You will not be able to view an individual candidate's answers to these questions.
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Interview support

Candidates are asked whether they would like extra support so they can attend an interview. They might request this if they have a disability, a mental health condition or educational needs.
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Candidates are asked whether they have any family or close relationships with anyone at the school, and to provide details if so.
They are also asked whether they have the right to work in the UK.
Candidates are not asked on their application form whether they are banned from working with children. After shortlisting candidates, you should ask them whether they have a criminal record, or if there is any other information that would make them unsuitable to work with children.
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